spell arguments

riff on name

These control spell checking. SSC doesn’t actually spell check itself, it uses spell checking facilities on the host system, so your results may vary.

spell.accept XXX XXX is a correct spelling of a word (or a list of words) in all languages.
spell.cased Nitpick correctly spelt but wrongly cased words.
spell.check Check text spelling. Uses external spelling checkers, so results will be inconsistent between systems.
spell.dict LANG,DICT Associate dictionary DICT with LANG. For example, if the standard English dictionary is en_GB-large: --spell.dict en-GB,en_GB-large. ssc ignores this switch in windows; it uses the system dictionaries.
spell.icu Use the somewhat slow, but accurate, ICU libraries. Disabling this option will increase the speed and incorrectness of the spell checks.
spell.list FN,LANG The file FN contains a list of valid spellings for language LANG (which may include country info). If LANG is omitted, the valid spellings apply to all languages. For example:
--spell.list ie.txt,en-IE
--spell.list de.txt,de
--spell.list lb.txt
spell.path PATH Path to spelling executable (ignored in Windows). Hunspell or a compatible program is expected. If none is specified, ssc will seek hunspell. Under Windows, ssc uses the system spell-checker, if there is one.

Just in case a dimitude accidentally browses this page, the word ‘spell’ refers to spelling, not chicken entrails.

Dylan Harris
January 2025