stats arguments

riff on name

SSC can output lots of statistical information about the site being analysed, although by default it outputs nothing.

Use stats.selected to output a small subset of statistical data, and stats.all to output everything. Use stats.summary to output grand totals, and to output information on each page read. The other switches allow you to precisely specify what data you want to see. If you want to output the data to a file, use stats.export. If you select both and stats.all, be prepared for rather a lot of output.

stats.abbr Output abbreviation report, so you can verify the same abbreviations have the same expansions across the site. Abbreviations are defined by the <ABBR> element.
stats.all Output all statistics reports.
stats.annotation Output annotation report.
stats.attribute Output element attribute report, which expands the element report to output information about attributes used.
stats.category Output category report, which output the total quantity of nits reported by nit category.
stats.character-variant Output character variant report.
stats.class Output class report, which allows to you see which classes are defined in CSS but not used, which classes are used but not defined, as well as a count of both for all classes encountered.
stats.content-name Output content name report.
stats.counter-style Output counter style report.
stats.css-property Output css property report, which gives you an idea of the sophistication of the CSS used on the site.
stats.custom-media Output custom media report, which lists all named custom media definitions encountered.
stats.custom-property Output custom property report, which lists all named custom property definitions encountered.
stats.definition Output definitions report, so you can verify the same terms have the same definitions across the site.
stats.element Output an element report, which totals all elements encountered across the site.
stats.error Output counts of errors, warnings, etc..
stats.export F Export to file F.
stats.file Output file report, which reports the number of pages processed, and summarises file sizes.
stats.font Output font report, which lists all fonts used across the site.
stats.font-family Output font family report, which lists all font families named across the site.
stats.highlight Output highlight report.
stats.historical-form Output historical font form report. Output an id report, allowing you to identify which ids are styled but not mentioned.
stats.itemid Output an itemid report, which gives you an idea of the ontological significance and depth of the site.
stats.keyframe Output keyframe report, which lists all named keyframes.
stats.layer Output layer report, which lists all named layers.
stats.meta Produce statistics on <META> usage in <HEAD>. Note that pragmas reported (http-equiv) are those found in the HTML source, not those returned by the HTTP protocol. Remember that many web servers (not all) will remove some pragmas when serving pages. Output name/value pairs report, which helps you identify inconsistencies between definitions across the site.
stats.ontology Output ontology report, which gives an insight into the ontological depth of the site being analysed.
stats.ornament Output ornament report, which reports all named CSS font ornaments encountered. Produce statistics for each source file encountered. Output page name report, which reports all named CSS page-names encountered.
stats.palette Output palette report, which reports all named CSS palettes encountered. Output ontology property count report, as an addendum to --stats.ontology.
stats.reference Output reference report, which identifies, as precisely as it can, which versions of HTML, XHTML, CSS, etc., are found.
stats.region Output region report, which reports all CSS named regions encountered.
stats.scroll-anim Output scroll animation report, which reports all CSS named scroll animations encountered.
stats.selected Output a selected set of reports; may be modified by other stats switches.
stats.statement Output CSS statement report, which summarises all CSS statements encountered.
stats.styleset Output styleset report, which reports all CSS named stylesets encountered.
stats.stylistic Output stylistic report, which reports all CSS named stylistics encountered, excluding the band themselves.
stats.summary Produce a summary of overall statistics for the website, including grand totals.
stats.swash Output swash report, which reports all CSS named swashes encountered.
stats.version Output version report, which summarises versions of HTML, SVG, MathML, etc., encountered.
stats.view Output view report, which reports all CSS named views encountered.

Dylan Harris
January 2025