validation arguments

These switches are only useful if you have bespoke HTML and CSS on your website. They allow you to define additional valid values of certain data types. Start with the --validation switch, and go on from there.

validation Only available from the command line. Lists all types that can be given additional valid values.
validation.attribute ATT Add the custom attribute ATT. This attribute will be ignored, not validated.
validation.charset CH Accept CH as a charset. May be repeated.
validation.class CL Add the valid class CL. May be repeated.
validation.color COL Accept COL as a colour. May be repeated.
validation.colour COL Accept COL as a colour. May be repeated. CC Accept CC as a valid two-letter country code. May be repeated.
validation.currency CUR Accept CUR as a valid currency. May be repeated.
validation.element EL Accept <EL> as a valid element. This element will be ignored, not validated. May be repeated.
validation.element-attribute EL,ATT Accept the known attribute ATT on the element <EL>. Doesn’t work with namespaces (names containing ‘:’). May be repeated.
validation.extension EXT Accept the extension EXT as a mimetype file extension. May be repeated.
validation.ff FEATURE Accept FEATURE as a CSS font feature. These should normally be four characters long. May be repeated.
validation.ff VARIATION Accept VARIATION as a CSS font variation. These should normally be four characters long. May be repeated.
validation.httpequiv HEQ Accept HEQ as a valid macro for httpequiv on <META> elements. May be repeated.
validation.lang LANG Accept LANG as a valid language code. May be repeated.
validation.minor x M
-m x
When validating W3 HTML 5 source code, using this minor version of W3 HTML 5. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, and 3 (draft). WhatWG versions are determined by date, corresponding roughly to the date of the (online) publication of the specific version. See the --html.version switch.
validation.metaname M Accept M as valid for the NAME attribute of the <META> element. The VALUE will be ignored. May be repeated.
validation.microdata Validate ( microdata.
validation.mimetype MT Accept MT as a valid mimetype. May be repeated.
validation.sgml GML Accept SGML as a valid SGML schema identification (as found in <!DOCTYPE…>. May be repeated.
validation.XXX YYY Accept YYY as a valid value for attribute type XXX. For a list of possible values of XXX, use the command line switch --validation.

Dylan Harris
January 2025